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grand prix什么意思(grand是什么意思)


1、adj. 盛大的, 豪华的, 重大的, 主要的, 极重要的 Large and impressive in size, scope, or extent; magnificent. 宏大的,雄伟的:尺寸、范围或程度大而给人深刻印象的;壮丽雄伟的 Rich and sumptuous: 富贵而奢华的: A grand meal was laid before them. 一道奢华的菜肴摆在他们面前 Of a solemn, stately, or splendid nature. 崇高的;庄严的;庄重的:有严肃、庄重或光彩照人的禀性的 Dignified or noble in appearance or effect: 威严的,高贵的:外表或印象上尊严或高贵的: a grand old face that bespeaks suffering but not defeat. 一张高贵的苍老面孔带着忍受而非屈服 Noble or admirable in conception or intent: 高贵的。

2、令人钦佩的:在观念或意图上令人赞美的: a grand purpose. 令人钦佩的意志 Lofty or sublime in character: 特性庄严或卓越的: a speech delivered in the grand style of the great orators. 著名演说家风格庄严的演讲 Wonderful or very pleasing: 极好的或令人非常高兴的: had a grand time. 度过美好时光 Having higher rank than others of the same category: 高阶的:与同类事物相比地位更高的: a grand admiral. 海军总司令 Having more importance than others; principal: 比其他的更重要的;主要的: the grand ballroom of a hotel. 旅馆的主舞厅 Of a haughty or pretentious nature. 禀性傲慢,矫饰的 Including or covering all units or aspects: 全的,总的:包括或覆及所有单元或方面的: the grand total. 全部 n.(名词) Music A grand piano. 【音乐】 大钢琴 Slang A thousand dollars. 【俚语】 一千美元。




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